Hot Facts
- The Dicky Charms Bracelet
- A stretchy bracelet with penis-shaped candy "charms"
- Add some tasty flair to your girls' night out
Item Description
You're about to get married. You've got the dress, the ring, the veil, and a heartwarming set of vows. You feel pretty well prepared but the feeling that something is off still lingers in the background. You're missing something. You can't put your finger on it, but something is missing from your perfect fantasy wedding scenario.
You rack and rack your mind until it hits you. YOUR WRISTS! They are bare and sullen. For your wedding day to go off smoothly, for everything to be just like you always dreamed it would be, this problem must be rectified.
The Dicky Charms Bracelet is just what the doctor (or bride) ordered. Not only is it comprised of brightly colored wieners, but it can be eaten afterward. It's as functional as it is fashionable.
Delicious, tactful, and sophisticated, this candy bracelet can make your wedding day complete. Or your bachelorette party, if people would frown upon it at the wedding, I guess. That would be a lot less fun. Actually, who am I kidding. How could anything ever not be tons of fun when you're wearing a ring of tiny candy penises around your wrist?