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Blow Job Mints SALE
Blow Job Mints SALE
Blow Job Mints SALE
Blow Job Mints SALE
Blow Job Mints - Approx 50 per Tin SALE
Blow Job Mints Tin SALE
Blow Job Mints - Great Palate Cleanser SALE

Penis-Shaped Breath Mints

$4.99 $8.49 You save 41%
SKU: 52298
Availability: 41 in stock


The best way to eat little penises and make your breath smell great all at once. Buy fun penis-shaped candy like this here at

Hot Facts

  • Blow Job Mints
  • Dick-shaped breath mints
  • Approximately 50 per pack

Item Description

Have you ever wanted to give a blow job to an albino smurf? Or one of Santa’s elves who hasn’t spent a day outside in his life? Or a Ken doll someone forgot to dye skin-colored? One of those must be who they had in mind when they made these willie-shaped blow job mints, because they’re tinier and whiter than any dick we’ve ever seen.

Actually, now that we think about it, maybe they meant you should eat these mints after giving a blow job. With their strong mint flavor, they would probably be pretty good for getting that peckery taste out of your mouth.

Well, we may not know how they got their name, but we do know these tasty mints will be a hit at your bachelorette party. They’re a useful snack to have around, whether you’re cleaning the taste of the maid of honor’s noxiously strong mixed drinks out of your mouth, or just munching on them while you wait for the bride to get ready (it’s not like it’s the wedding yet, you don’t understand what’s taking her so long!) They’re also sugar free and less than 3 calories each, which probably means they’re healthier for you than giving an actual blow job! Probably.

Each tin contains about 50 mints, and each mint is about a half an inch long.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Charles Walker
Blowjob mint

My girlfriend love them


Hey cock breath eat a mint!

Shannon C

I got these for a gag gift for my anniversary. He called them "Dick-Tacs" lolz
A little chalky but made my mouth minty fresh. he liked the tingly sensations the mint gave him =O

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